英语必修 第一册Lesson 1 Spring Festival教学课件ppt

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英语必修 第一册Lesson 1 Spring Festival教学课件ppt

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这是一份英语必修 第一册Lesson 1 Spring Festival教学课件ppt,文件包含unit3L1springfestivalpptx、U3L1docx、Unit3TopicTalk31mp3等3份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共13页, 欢迎下载使用。

When d we celebrate?During a festival r n a special ccasin.What festival r special ccasin d yu like?When and hw d yu celebrate it?Listening task 1Listen t a dialgue abut celebratins and underline the text builders yu hear.(Befre listening, read the text builders carefully)I lve celebrating ___________________________.It is celebrated ______________________________________________________________________.We usually celebrate it by ____________________________________________________________.Usually, children play with lanterns while the adults sit tgether,__________________________________________________________________________.Mid-Autumn Festivaln the 15th day f the eighth lunar mnthhaving a family dinnerand eating mn cakes,chatting and enjying the mn.Pair WrkUse the text builder t talk abut yur favurite festival r ccasin, like: I lve celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival. It is celebrated n the 15th day f the eighth lunar mnth. We usually celebrate it by having a family dinner and… Amid the bm f firecrackers a year has cme t an end, and the spring wind has wafted warm breath t the wine. --- Wang Anshi 爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏 ——王安石《元日》Unit3 CelebratinsLessn 1 Spring FestivalWhat des Spring Festival mean t yu?What wrds immediately cme t yur mind fr describing its meaning?Pair wrk:Ask each ther in pairs “what d yu d t celebrate spring festival?”, then reprt t the class abut what yur partners have answered. Use the fllwing phrases t help yu.t have a family gathering t get tgether t prepare snackst make dumplings t put up decratins t let ff firewrks1.First reading: (5’)Read the three readers’ accunts. Use a few wrds t summarize the meaning f Spring Festival fr each accunt. Give yur reasns.2. Read again. (10)Find ut each persn’s experience f Spring Festival in the three accunts. Take ntes.Pairwrk:Find at least 3 descriptive sentences in the accunts that prvide a vivid picture f Spring Festival. Share with yur partner.1. The mment I get n te train, I am surrunded by Shanxi accents.2. When I was a kid, Spring Festival was all abut firewrks , sweets and decratins. As I get lder, cming hme and being with my entire family is the mst imprtant part f it.3. Our huse buzzs with activities when everyne cmes hme.Grup Discussin: (1)What can yu infer frm Xu Gang and Li Yan’s accunts? Family reunin is the central theme f bth accunts. (2)What des it mean in Chinese culture? This shws the imprtance f family and staying cnnected.Grup wrk f 4:1.Intrduce yur last Spring Festival by answering the fllwing questins:Where and with whm did yu spend the last Spring Festival? What preparatins did yu make? What activities did yu d? Hw d yu feel abut it?2.Chse the best intrduced ne and reprt it t the whle class.


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